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What does it mean to work with me?

See for yourself as my clients share their stories.

Aimee Hafner 500x500
“I have always had a tendency to carry a lot of stress in my life, some perceived and some unprocessed. After years of living this way, it began affecting my health and quality of life. I worked with Corinna to learn how to understand and manage the way I perceive and react to stress through mindset shifts, reorganizing my priorities, and learning new techniques that help balance the nervous system into a more relaxed state. The specific techniques I learned from Corinna have helped me so much! I am able to recognize my stress patterns and I now have ways to release my stress, reframe my thought patterns into a more positive state. I also learned ways to protect myself from creating unnecessary stress in my life through the choices I make, and the boundaries I set in place. I fully recommend Corinna to anyone who may want to improve their health and quality of life!”
Aimee H.
“My life before BMM seemed pretty perfect on the outside but looked very different on the inside. I’m in my mid thirties and felt like I entered some sort of identity crisis. I had no direction; really I was just feeling lost, questioning the path I was on and myself. Working through the modules was definitely a commitment but having Corinna there to hold me accountable and cheer me on made a world’s difference. Even though at first I was a bit skeptical of some of the techniques during the coaching calls, they ended up being so powerful. In one of them we went all the way back to my childhood and discovered answers to why I nowadays react to certain situations the way I do from when I was 4 years old! I’m still in shock of how much of my actions were motivated subconsciously from things that happened so long ago! Talk about mind blown! I admit that BMM is a ton of inner and sometimes uncomfortable work but I understand that I needed to face these things in order to get better. Now after BMM is over my life feels so much lighter and I gained my sense of childhood like giddiness for life back. I feel so much more at ease with the decisions I am making and just being able to live life without getting distracted by the constant inner chatter is priceless. I’m so happy that I took the leap!“
Hannah S.
Carina Fritsche 500x500
“I often heard from friends "everything is perfect with you, great husband, 2 kids, nice house, good job..." yes it is perfect, but still I was torn inside, felt this restlessness and caught in a hamster wheel. Every day felt like I was driven by external circumstances and deadlines. I was constantly stressed and had the feeling that I was not doing justice to my children, partner or myself. I was simply functioning and thought this is just how it goes on and on. The BMM was an experimental program in which I initially did not have much hope - I thought I already knew a lot/everything and had helped myself over the years by means of guidebooks, audio books and various other things but BMM turned out to be absolutely transformational. The first module was exhausting because of the homework (but very helpful!), the second brought first insights and in the third many pieces of the puzzle came together more and more. Modules 4 and 5 were the game-changers for me personally. The coaching sessions with Corinna were the turbo and in the end the initial skepticism turned into absolute enthusiasm and inner satisfaction. It's still hard for me to put it into words what changed, but it's the little things that have changed and especially the acceptance towards me and patience. For example, grocery shopping with 2 kids is no longer an absolute stressful moment, but I enjoy it and we have fun doing it together. I was able to establish a good morning routine and get up early even though I'm really not a morning person. Or I had a hard time making choices, now I can easily pick a meal from the menu. Also, not being so hard on myself when I sometimes leave the laundry for 2 days or vacuum tomorrow and not today. This was unthinkable before BMM, now I smile at myself that I let myself be stressed by such things. I now know that the situation I was in was more so a pivotal or a starting point rather than a dead end. It is not the others but in the end it was all in me. BMM and Corinna have lit the way and provided tools for me to stay on the path and find everything I was looking for in myself. we have two options, either we grow or we degenerate, there is no such thing as standstill. I grew... a lot. Thank you Corinna from the bottom of my heart.”
Carina F.
“To be completely honest, the decision to sign up for BMM took me quite a while and I think I even snagged the last spot in the Beta round. Now looking back I am SO glad that I jumped on board and took the leap to make this investment in myself! I originally signed up because I was feeling so overwhelmed and didn’t seem to be able to get a grip on it, instead it seemed to spiral out of control more and more. Therefore I dealt with anxiety and had a really hard time just being in the moment because my head would always take me somewhere else. Through BMM I was able to gain a better understanding of where some of my limitations where coming from and how to overcome them. Corinna gave me the necessary tools that I can now use in the moment and that I will carry in my back pocket forever. I really enjoyed the combination of self-paced “studying” through the videos and homework and the coaching calls with Corinna. The topics she covers are diverse and I loved learning about all the mindset tools and how nutrition can play such a big role in how you feel in your day-to-day. The biggest wins for me were that today I’m not so hard on myself anymore because I know that I am enough. I now have the ability to snap out of negative thoughts more easily and can enjoy the moment instead. Hindsight’s 20/20 but BMM truly changed me and continues to motivate me to be the best version of myself!”
Chandler M.
Laura Junge 500x500
"I chose to work with Corinna because I wanted to learn about tools on how to overcome my fears and anxieties. Insecurity, fear of commitment and unwillingness to make decisions have held me back before but since working with Corinna I have gained a stronger belief in myself again. I‘ve learned that there lies so much strength inside of me and that I only need to activate my resources. I now have the feeling that I believe in myself again and know that I am enough, even on my own. I gained the necessary push to take advantage of my sabbatical year and start traveling on my own without making myself dependent on anyone. The coaching session itself was perfect, well thought through and I felt so well guided throughout. I could let myself totally fall and be my true self while it seemed like I was speaking to a friend. Corinna always stayed professional. I also absolutely loved the summary Corinna sent to me afterwards and that I’ve been taught exercises that I can now use on my own to help myself when Corinna is not around."
Laura J.
“Before I worked with Corinna, I felt: I felt tired, overwhelmed with my to do list, stressed, and that i didnt have balance in my life. Fears that have held me back before include: Fear of not being enough for my family, fear of not being able to manage work/family life. I chose to work with Corinna because: I needed change. I was unable to find that balance and peace I was looking for. Since I started working with Corinna, I have learned that I tend to perceive stress in my life, often create it by unrealistic expectations on myself related to my daily to do list, being everything to my family, and still managing work. This left no time to care for myself, and I was exhausted and overwhelmed. I now see my life very differently. I am able to say no and consider myself as I create my to do list. I am able to recognize that I need to schedule time to take care of myself and as a result, I m more present and available for my family. My favorite part of the coaching session was: Learning the techniques to reduce stress. "The Pyt Project" was the right pick for me because: It was such an affective program for shifting my mindset around what I allowed in my life that led to stress and overwhelm. It provided me with tools I can use for the rest of my life when I do experience unavoidable stress, and helped me see ways to set boundaries in my life that allow me to live with purpose and excitement! I am most looking forward to the future because: I have a completely new perspective for my life. I have set boundaries that protect my health. I can say no to work when I need to and I realize how much more time I really do have to do things I love, and to spend time with my family. I do have a tendency to fall back into old stress patterns, but now I have the tools I need to recognize it and to utilize to bring me back to a relaxed, in control state. Please list any concrete results: My specific mindset shifts- I choose what I allow in my life. I choose how I perceive stress. I can change the way I think about things and it has a direct impact on my health. I can create the future I want. Corinna is passionately dedicated to helping you uncover and reshape your mindset around stress, health and wellness and offers a very affective program with tools you can use for long after your time with her!”
Michelle H.
“Prior to working with Corinna and in preparation for our session, I filled out an in-depth questionnaire she provided to help her get at root causes for my concerns. She was well-prepared for our time together. However, I threw her a curve ball. Much of what I wanted to discuss had to do with my vocation and the transformation I was attempting in my career. The very day I spoke with Corinna, some promising progress had happened for me. Corinna acknowledged the redirection she wanted to take and didn't miss a beat. Throughout my session with her, she listened intently and was very present and relatable -- I trusted her immediately. I spoke at length about the opportunities and my desires. Corinna provided 'aha' observations and offered insightful questions for me to consider to turn my desires into reality. She took me through a visualization exercise that involved many senses and a this new reality tangible. I was so taken with her coaching that I asked her about referring a friend. Corinna followed up the same day of our session with a recap of our conversation and several exercises to keep me moving toward my goal and to help prep me for immediate next steps. Corinna is truly a client advocate--though we had one session, she seems to know when to hit the gas and when to tap the brakes for the client to be in the driver's seat. I highly recommend working with Corinna!”
Leslie E.
Eliza Pedder 500x500
"Before the session with Corinna I felt a bit anxious and not super confident. During the session I felt incredibly held, safe, and secure. Corinna was very organized which made me feel safe. She also held amazing space for me with her kind, warm, sweet presence. I loved the anchoring exercise we did together...literally life changing!! I'm going to continue to practice that technique for the rest of my life! Corinna totally helped me to shift into a space of wholeness, confidence, magnetism, and self acceptance. I LOVED working with Corinna!!!"
Eliza P.
"As a working mom with 2 children, wife & housewife, I often felt exhausted, overworked & drained. The constant thought of having to please everyone also took an additional toll on my self-confidence. Thanks to the coaching with Corinna, I'm finally living my life more relaxed again and am so much more self-confident. With her warm and friendly manner, Corinna leads you through the coaching session in a very natural way so that you can feel comfortable. She gives you lots of useful tips and techniques that you can use at any time. To anyone who wants to change something in their life, I can highly recommend working with Corinna! I am more than happy that I dared to take this step - thank you from the bottom of my heart Corinna!"
Madlen S.
Erika Gomez - Results with The Pyt Project Life Coaching
"Before I worked with Corinna, I felt sort of incapable of being able to take control of my time and organize my thoughts, or to take inspired action. Fears that have held me back included imperfection, embarrassment and not knowing "enough". I chose to work with Corinna because it felt aligned and easy. Since our session together, I have felt a shift and almost like an upgrade in my way of perceiving. Literally, after the session, into the next day - feeling energy releasing or being transmuted, updated, enhanced - a situation I was working through was cleared up and resolved. I am now most looking forward to the future because I can feel its beauty and endless possibilities. "The Pyt Project" was the right pick for me because it just felt good... it felt welcoming... it felt genuine and working with Corinna felt super sweet and easeful."
Erika G.
“Before I worked with Corinna, I was unsure on where to begin with a few of my personal goals. Fear of failure held me back. I chose to work with her because she is a remarkable person and I truly believe in what she is doing. Working with her really started to move the needle! This program was the right pick for me because it’s so approachable. I am most looking forward to the future because I know that I will achieve my goals and having a road map to achieve my goals has been incredible! The swish exercise is a wonderful tool and has put my situation into perspective. Corinna is extremely professional, approachable, and knowledgeable!“
Kristi B.